加州大学新泽西分校致力于为所有学生提供环境, 员工和访客不受歧视和骚扰. 根据州和联邦法律, UCNJ does not discriminate and prohibits discrimination on the basis of the following protected classes and/or characteristics, 在所有的项目和活动中, 包括但不限于就业, 促销活动, 招生, 获得所有职业和技术项目的机会;
- 竞赛;
- 信条;
- 颜色;
- 性;
- 性别;
- 怀孕;
- 性别认同或性别表达;
- 国家起源;
- 国籍;
- 年龄;
- 血统;
- 婚姻状况、家庭伴侣关系或UCNJ民事身份;
- 宗教;
- 爱或性取向;
- 非典型遗传细胞或血液特征;
- 遗传信息;
- 兵役责任;
- 受保护退伍军人身份;
- Mental or Physical Disability (including perceived disability, AIDS and HIV related illnesses);
- 骚扰(与上述任何类别有关);
- Retaliation for filing a complaint of, or participating in an investigation of discrimination; and
- 其他受法律保护的类别.
The College is committed to providing equal employment and educational opportunities to all employees, 符合本政策的学生和申请者. UCNJ seeks to maintain an atmosphere that is free from harassment and intimidation of any type, 包括性骚扰. Each College employee and student has the responsibility for adhering to this affirmative action policy. The College is also committed to the provision of reasonable accommodations for disabled or handicapped individuals. In order to submit a formal affirmative action grievance please consult the grievances section in this student handbook. 了解更多信息或提交平权行动投诉, 请联系学生主任和/或加州大学新泽西分校的平权行动官员.
This policy prohibits consensual amorous relationships between a 教师 or 工作人员 member and a student whenever the 教师 or 工作人员 member is in a position of professional or supervisory responsibility. A 教师 or 工作人员 member has a professional or supervisory responsibility when she or he is currently in a position to make or influence a decision or to confer or withhold a benefit relating to the student’s education, 就业或校园赞助活动. 这包括但不限于员工和学生, 教师和学生, 教练和球员, 主管和学生工作者, 以及顾问和被顾问的关系. While this policy does not prohibit a consensual amorous relationship between a 教师 and 工作人员 member and a student in the absence of current professional or supervisory responsibility with respect to the student, 学院强烈反对这种关系. A 教师 member or 工作人员 member who enters a consensual relationship with a student while directly supervising the student must disclose the relationship to his/her immediate supervisor.
根据第九条, 美国境内任何人不得, 基于性别被排除在参与之外, be denied the benefits of or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. 第九条不仅保护高等教育系统中的运动员. It also protects any and all students who feel they have been harassed or discriminated against due to their gender. It is important to talk to someone if you believe you were witness to a form of gender discrimination. Witnesses are also protected by 第九条 and have a right to file a complaint and report the incident. 提交投诉或获取更多信息, 联系平权行动官员, 学生主任或大学生活主任.
性侵犯是一种严重的罪行. Any individual who sexually assaults another is subject to disciplinary procedures of the College and subject to any pertinent state or federal regulations. 性侵犯包括, 但不限于, 实际的或企图的未经同意的或强行的性接触, 包括爱抚, 接吻, 摸索, 企图性交, 和或穿透物体. 性侵犯可能是由已知或未知的人实施的, 包括一个熟人, 配偶, 合作伙伴, 日期, 相对, 朋友还是陌生人, 男性或女性. 强奸是在未经同意的情况下与任何受害者发生性行为. 受害人可能因醉酒而无法表示同意, 婴儿期或其他任何意志障碍. To insure that the needs of sexual harassment victims are met and that colleges and universities in New Jersey create and maintain communities that support human dignity, UCNJ has adopted the Campus 性侵犯 Bill of rights established by the state of New Jersey. For more information on resources provided by the College for victims of sexual harassment please 联系学生教务处, 危机咨询师, 或平权行动官员.
•克兰福德校区(908)709 7152
•Elizabeth Campus (Lessner) (908) 965-6070
All students have the right to an environment free from discrimination, 包括性骚扰. It is the policy of UCNJ that harassment on the basis of gender/ sex is unacceptable conduct and that conduct will not be tolerated in any manner. 新泽西州反歧视法禁止性别歧视, 第九条 of the Education Amendment and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and amendments. 任何学生这样做都是违反学院政策的, 教师 member or employee male or female to sexually harass another member of the College community by making unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors, or engaging in other unwelcome verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature creating an intimidating, 这种行为所造成的敌对或冒犯的环境, 不管一个人的意图如何. 例子包括, but are not limited to the following; unwelcome sexual propositions, graphic statements about a person’s body; display of sexually suggestive objects or pictures; remarks or innuendos with a sexually demeaning implication, 不受欢迎的触摸, 拍, or other physical contact; gender based humor; suggesting or demanding unwelcome sexual involvement which may include implied or explicit threats or sexual abuse including forced conduct. Any student who has been the target of sexual harassment may submit a formal grievance. 请查阅学生手册中的申诉部分. 了解更多信息或提交平权行动投诉, 请联系学生主任和/或平权行动官员.
加州大学新泽西分校坚决谴责校园内的所有暴力行为, 包括性侵犯, 家庭暴力, 跟踪, 约会暴力. 所有的性暴力事件, whether reported by a victim or bystander will be immediately reported to the local police department and aggressively investigated by the appropriate college official(s).
性犯罪(不论暴力或非暴力), 家庭暴力, 约会暴力, 和跟踪都违反了刑法和校规. Any reported violations will be treated swiftly through legal avenues and/or the established College disciplinary procedures. 如果你经历过任何形式的不当性行为, 国内, 约会暴力和/或跟踪, the College objectives are to end the misconduct prevent its occurrence and address its effects. 举报构成犯罪的行为, initial contact should be made to the local police where the offense took place as quickly as possible. 学生, 工作人员, 教师, visitors and business 合作伙伴s have the options of notifying the public safety office and they will notify local police. 举报违规行为, 联系学生教务处, the Affirmative Action Officer or the Dean of 大学生活 located on the Cranford campus.
所有关于歧视的投诉, 包括那些与第九条有关的条款, 第504节, 地方检察官应该去找文森特·洛塔诺
Ms. 凯伦Cimorelli
所有住宿申请来自加州大学新泽西分校学生, 根据第504条或《美国残疾人法, 应直接向. Cimorelli
所有要求住宿从加州大学新泽西分校的员工, 客人, 和游客, 根据第504条或《美国残疾人法, 应该转给文森特·洛塔诺, 第504条管理员和ADA协调员. 所有问题, 除了学生住宿要求和投诉, 也可能指向文森特·洛塔诺.